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What is a Neighborhood Council?

What is a Neighborhood Council?

What is a Neighborhood Council?

Neighborhood Councils are liaisons between neighborhoods and Los Angeles City Hall. Council board members are city officials elected by their communities and advise on issues such as development, homelessness, and emergency preparedness on behalf of local residents, schools, and businesses.


Each council is allocated a taxpayer-funded annual budget to be used for operational expenses, outreach, service projects, and local events. There are currently 99 neighborhood councils in Los Angeles, each serving about 40,000 people. You can learn more about the city’s various neighborhood councils at



The LFNC endeavors to be the premier conduit of its stakeholders, as that term is defined by the City Charter, throughout Los Feliz, to enhance their quality of life.

LFNC Governing Board Members, Committee Chairs and volunteers will help to set a standard for how stakeholders can promote and protect the interests of this community.




  • We assume positive intent.

  • We will respect the speaker, and challenge the idea not the person

  • We will treat others the way they want to be treated.

  • We will meet people where they are.

  • We make space, we share space, we recognize our power.​



What is the Council’s Jurisdiction?

Franklin Hills, Los Feliz Hills, Los Feliz Knolls, Los Feliz Square, Los Feliz Village, West Los Feliz, Laughlin Park, Waverly Heights and all of Griffith Park are under the jurisdiction of the Los Feliz Neighborhood Council. These areas are divided into six districts, labeled A‑F. 

Who is on the Council?

Neighborhood Councils are all-volunteer organizations. Much of the work that is done by the council is done in our committees. That’s why LFNC committee members are incredibly important to the council as a whole. Ideas are born and developed in committees before they are presented to the Governing Board, and committees help lead the direction of our actions.


The Los Feliz Neighborhood Council is composed of 13 Standing Stakeholder Committees, 3 Standing Board Committees,  and the Governing Board, which includes District Representatives and Community Interest Area Representatives.


Governing Board: These individuals are elected and serve four-year terms. They are empowered by the Los Angeles City Charter to officially represent and advise on behalf of the Los Feliz community. It includes three representatives for each district in Los Feliz (A‑F), and one representative for each community interest area (Business, Education, Public Health & Safety, Recreation). 

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The Executive Committee appoints committee chairs, who manage and organize monthly meetings and events. 


When and Where Does the Governing Board Meet?

Meetings are at The Hollywood Lutheran Church, 1733 N New Hampshire Ave. They are held at 7:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month, but may be rescheduled around holidays or special events; it is advisable to check the calendar before planning to attend. Full agendas are available 72 hours prior to the meeting on this website and at a public posting place within the neighborhood’s boundaries. 

Can Anyone Attend Meetings?

Yes! By law, all of our meetings are open to the public. 


A portion of each Governing Board meeting is reserved for stakeholder comments and concerns. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. 


Committee meetings are also public; if you have a specific concern covered by one of our regular committees, check the calendars for the next scheduled meeting. 


The Los Feliz Neighborhood Council is committed to serving members of our community and representing their needs, attitudes and concerns as closely as possible to the best of our ability. You help us help you by attending meetings and engaging with our committees.


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What is a Stakeholder?

Stakeholders are people who live, work or own real property in Los Feliz as well as those affirming a substantial and ongoing participation within the neighborhood and who may be in a community organization such as, but not limited to, educational, nonprofit and/or religious organizations. 

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