LFNC Committees
We have a number of committees that play a vital role on the Council; most of the work brought before our Governing Board is first discussed in committee. Volunteer membership on most of our committees is open to any Los Feliz stakeholder, and we are always on the lookout for new members to help with current projects or to bring fresh ideas.
Standing Board Committees
Standing Board Committees are composed of five (5) Governing Board Members. Though all meetings are open to the public, Committee Membership is limited to Board Members only. Our three Standing Board Committees are the following: Budget & Finance, Executive, and Rules and Administration.
Standing Stakeholder Committees
Any interested Stakeholder of the LFNC, including Board Members, shall be entitled to serve on any
Standing Stakeholder Committee upon written request to the Committee Chair or the Board. Standing
Stakeholder Committee membership shall be effective as of the second Committee meeting following
the request for membership on the Committee as a minimum meeting attendance requirement.
In order to serve on an LFNC Committee, stakeholders must sign and abide by the Citywide
Code of Conduct for Neighborhood Councils.